If you are on the fence about getting this light kit I say do it. It may be expensive but it is worth every penny. You can immediately tell the reason why it costs what it does. The amount of time and thought that went into developing this kit and being able to light while you build its amazing. The thought that went into the building even goes down to things like with the light strips ALF-030 and ALY-030 look very similar but the way you remove the sticker holding the wires together is different for each one. Letting you know if you grabbed the wrong wire by how it opens.
I very much enjoyed building with this light kit, and only really got annoyed at the Eye of Sauron. Just with the amount of wires in that area it gets a bit tedious and frustrating.
My only complaints are very small nit picky things.
- With the digital instructions there are times when steps are mislabeled. They will say 1,1,1,1 instead of 1,2,3,4. Assuming that's just an auto numbering thing going wonky on them.
- Color for pieces is a bit weird. Sometimes its hard to tell what color piece you are supposed to be using when there are multiple shades of the same color. Especially with the transparent pieces
- With the instructions it would be nice if there were words describing what needs to be done. There are a couple of times with the pictures its hard to tell whats being done, or how often you need to do something. For example with the Eye of Sauron, you are to wrap the the wires around the rod…